Monday, February 8, 2010

Learning About "The Great Olympics"

I love being a Girl Scout Brownie troop Leader! I have just as much fun as the girls do learning about new things, crafting, connecting with international troops, being outdoors, doing philanthropy projects, taking field trips and gaining new skills.

If you’re a Brownie leader (or an elementary school teacher!) the try-it books (try-its are the current earned badges for Brownies) are a wonderful resource for activities. But the oppor
tunities certainly don’t stop with those 60-some-odd options.

Certain Girl Scout councils offer “Council’s Own” try-its in an amazing array
of topics. These programs are developed locally
across the U.S., and most are available to be shared with other councils. Mythology, bats, chemistry, election processes, Renaissance times, candy making, oceanography and volcanoes are just a few of the 100’s of choices.

Our Brownies will be earning a timely try-it next week: “The Great Olympics” from the wonderful Virginia Skyline Council.

Here’s an overview of the badge requirements, and websites that provide all the source materials needed to accomplish them. I hope that whether you’re a leader, teacher / homeschooler, youth leader or mom you’ll find them fun to try with the kids in your life.

"The Great Olympics"

The first Olympics were held in Greece in 776 BC to honor the god Zeus. Now the great athletes of the world participate in Olympics every two years, alternating between summer and winter games.Find out more about the Olympics by completing four of the following activities.
1. Find out about the first Olympics.
• In what events did the athletes compete?
• What clothing did they wear?
• What prizes were awarded?
• Who participated?
• Who watched?

For a well-written, kid-friendly version of Olympic history, visit:

2. The symbol of the modern Olympics is five joined circles. Find out what the colors represent and draw the symbol.
An explanation of the rings and why the colors are significant is at:
and for directions for an inexpensive (love that!) craft to make their own set of rings, go to:

3. Draw a picture of at least 10 sports played in the modern summer and winter Olympics. OR Play Olympic Charades. Act out the sports in the Olympics and see if your friends can guess the sports played in the modern summer and winter Olympics. List of sports (summer,winter or all)
A complete list of the sports can be found at:

4. Find out about a modern female Olympic champion and her sport.

The photo slideshow of women Olympic champions makes a great visual.

5. Learn about a sport played in the Olympics that you know nothing about. How is the sport played, how many are on a team if it is a team sport, and how are points scored?
• Look for a book in the library.
• If it is the time of year for the Olympics, look in the newspaper or watch
the Olympics on TV.
• With your parent’s or leader’s help
, go to the Olympics website.

6. Each country in the Olympics designs uniforms for its athletes to wear. Design and draw a uniform for the United States team to wear in the opening ceremony or in their
individual events.

Adorable paper doll and clothing templates for their own designs can be printed from:

7. Hold a mini-Olympics with your troop, complete with opening and closing ceremonies. Participate in at least three different sports and acknowledge the first, second, and third place winners with awards that you make. Adapt the events to your skills. Try team and individual events. Check Safety-Wise for safety standards.

Here's a plan containing easy events, awards and more that kids will truly enjoy:

Nice "toppings" for your plans...

A simple overview of the Olympics:

Don't forget the 2010 Mascots and a cute kid-friendly website:

Lesson plans:

An if your participants are Brownies, just contact the Virginia Skyline Girl Scout Council at the website mention above to order the try-its! They're the next best thing to a gold medal.


  1. Happy Marketing Monday! Love to have you top by for a visit:

  2. That sounds like a lot of fun! My daughter just began Girl Scouts (she's a Daisy) and she's having so much fun!!

    Thanks for the follow...I'm now following you oo!

  3. Hi..

    Just stopping by to let you know that I nominated you for an award! Check it out:
    Have a super Tuesady!!!

